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Summer and I go for the Ribbons!

April 17-21, 2024

Our first show and we focused only on the .80m rounds!  Summer and I were excited and ready to ride!  We did well on the earlier first day rounds and at the beginning of our weekend competitions, as the weekend wore on, we definitely missed some opportunities, but I was most proud of our 2nd place run that kicked off our weekend!  We were leading the class up to the very last rider!  


My third round I did a helicopter right off Summer and into the standards and the additional rounds we were competitive, where we landed in the middle of pack. 

I took a 3rd, two 5th places, a 6th place and even won some money in the Jumper Stakes in the .75m on Sunday!


All in all a very successful first show and I loved the Nilforushan Event and can’t wait to get back again! 

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